1968 Dr. Luis Alvarez, a Nobel prize winner in physics, tried to ascertain whether there might be secret chambers or passages in Khefre's pyramid (the middle pyramid on the Giza plateau,
only slightly smaller than the Great Pyramid), by measuring how cosmic rays passed through it. Normally the recording device would show a drop in energy if cosmic rays were passing
through an empty space rather than through stone. In this case the recording tapes, when analyzed by computers, showed that the cosmic particles could not be measured - every time the
tapes were run, the patterns were different.
The cosmic particles rearranged themselves and some of the data disappeared altogether. "This is scientifically impossible," said one of the scientists, Dr. Amr Goneid ... there is some
force which defies the laws of science at work in the pyramid."
Scientists and interested amateurs have performed experiments with plants, seeds, metals, food and liquids inside pyramids. Bill Schul and Ed Pettitplaced identical containers of milk
inside and outside a pyramid. Within a week the milk outside grew mould, whereas the milk inside the pyramid formed curds, and six weeks later turned into a smooth creamy yogurt. An
experimenter named James Raymond Wolfe put a pint of water within a pyramid for a week and a control pint outside the pyramid. His assistant filled numbered vials with the resulting
water and Wolfe watered groups of sunflower seeds, not knowing which water was which. In every case the seeds watered with the pyramid-charged water grew faster.Patrick Flanagan also
verified that seeds germinated more easily and plant growth was accelerated by pyramid power. Seeds kept beneath a pyramid will produce a richer yield, and pulses sprouted with pyramid
power are richer in vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Not only do plants grow faster beneath pyramids but they remain free of pests.
By 2040 or so, astronomers will have scanned enough star systems to give themselves a great shot of discovering alien-produced electromagnetic signals, said Seth Shostak of the SETI
(Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute. "I think we'll find E.T. within two dozen years using these sorts of experiments." Shostak's optimism is based partly on
observations by NASA's planet-hunting Kepler space telescope, which has shown that the Milky Way galaxy likely teems with worlds capable of supporting life as we know it. "The bottom
line is, like one in five stars has at least one planet where life might spring up," That means in our galaxy, there's on the order of tens of billions of Earth-like worlds." Shostak and
his colleagues think at least some of these worlds host intelligent aliens that have developed the capability to send electromagnetic signals out into the cosmos. Search for
Extraterrestrial Intelligence SETI
Scientists tracked potential 2013 collision
Asteroids Earth Orbit NASA plans to land
astronauts on Asteroid Graveyard Shift TV
The first of the modern era of UFO sightings - Kenneth Arnold was a private pilot who noticed a string of nine, shiny,
mostly disc-like unidentified flying objects flying past Mount Rainier on June 24, 1947. He said he clocked them at super sonic speed of around 1200 mph, which at the time was unheard
of. The press coined the terms flying saucer and flying disc. Best photos of UFO's
Roswell Crash - On July 8, 1947, a press release stating that the wreckage of a crashed disk had been recovered was issued by Lt. Walter G. Haut, Public Information Officer at
RAAB under order from the Commander of the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell, Col. William Blanchard. Hours later the first press release was rescinded and the second press release stated that
the 509th Bomb Group had mistakenly identified a weather balloon as wreckage of a flying saucer was issued July 9, 1947
President Ronald Reagan in a speech on December 4, 1985, stated, "if suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet, we'd forget all the little
local differences that we have between our countries." Less than two years later, Soviet President Gorbachev publicly stated, "At our meeting in Geneva, the U.S. President said that if
the Earth faced an invasion by extraterrestrials, the U.S. and Soviet Union would join forces to repel the invasion."
For every 10-degree temperature drop in the North, Florida real estate home searches rise 4.4%.
US lawmaker concerned about a 3,000 mile tunnel complex designed to house Chinese nuclear missiles
Underground Bases and Tunnels - What is the Government Trying to Hide?
History News
A 2000 year old Greek shipwreck near Antikythera held remains of an bronze machine that appears to be the world's first analog computer
NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter finally reveals images of
the dark side of the moon